The Background

In February 2024, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB) adopted significant updates to the state’s occupational lead standards for construction and general industry.

The changes, which took effect on January 1, 2025, are informed by recent research showing that even low blood lead levels (BLL) can cause serious health effects, including neurological, reproductive and cardiovascular issues.

The updated regulations (Title 8 CCR §5155, §5198, and §1532.1) establish the most protective occupational lead exposure limits in the country.

The Key Changes

  • Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL): The maximum allowable airborne lead concentration (8-hour TWA) is reduced to 10 µg/m³, with a temporary 25 µg/m³ exception for abrasive blasting for five years under controlled conditions.
  • Action Levels (AL): Set at 2 µg/m³ (8-hour TWA), triggering mandatory exposure monitoring, medical surveillance, and other control measures.
  • Medical Surveillance: Increased frequency of Blood Lead Level (BLL) testing is required for workers at or above 10 µg/dL, with direct communication between healthcare providers and employees on test results and follow-up care.
  • Medical Removal Protection (MRP): Blood Lead Level (BLL) thresholds for mandatory employee removal are lowered to 20 µg/dL or an average of ≥20 µg/dL over six months.
  • Expanded hygiene, housekeeping and training requirements.

Looking For More Information?

For Questions, Training or Support, Please Contact:

Northern California (Oakland)
Michael Vanderbilt
Regional Safety Manager

Southern California (Los Angeles/San Diego)
Frank Torres
Regional Safety Manager