Client Appreciation

Below are bullet points on what I appreciated about working with Bayview on the Hangar 3 project:

• Jobsite logistics were followed and what was left to Bayview was well thought out and implements including where to separate exclusion zones, shower and break areas.
• Sequence of work was followed and adapted to when necessary as the project evolved.
• Staff was polite and clean in the parking lot, bathrooms and break area. No parking issues, graffiti, cigarette buts or trash while the team was onsite.
• Manpower was adequate to meet and exceed project deadlines.
• Setup of exclusion zones was well done and very sturdy even when met with high winds.
• All inclusion zones passed inspection on the first pass.
• Exterior abatement was done safely and adequate equipment was used to hit multiple locations simultaneously and maintain or beat schedule.
• Daily paperwork and Pre task plans were clear, detailed, and on time.
• Onsite safety staff was very knowledgeable on specific codes related to their work and followed all submitted paperwork very closely.
• All management staff running work onsite spoke clearly and communicated well.

I would be happy to work with Bayview again on another project.

Robert Luguillon
Superintendent / DEVCON